Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Who is Glenn Beck? What happened to the moderately right-wing talk show host who would step in for Rush and Dennis Prager? What caused the change that moved Glenn so far to the right and so out into the open?
I don't know Glenn but I do watch his show. I wish him all the best.
I just read his book, Glenn Beck's Common Sense. I found the book to be a reasonable call to arms. Well, not really arms. The first words of the book encourage readers to peacefully revolt and not follow the road taken by our Founding Fathers. Certainly wise counsel from Beck's attorneys.
But what keeps Americans from taking up arms? I am not saying we should. Do you hear me, Secret Service? But Glenn gives the response to my question in his own book by printing Thomas Paine's Common Sense. Paine makes the case that the British started the fighting and there was no turning back. Paine also makes the case that there is no room for compromise; repealing laws and taxes placed on the Colonies would only serve to keep America in servitude to England.
So why did Glenn print this? Is he saying there is no compromise with liberals? Is he saying that thwarting progressive change in America (which change obviously is the goal of our current government) would only keep Americans less in bondage but certainly far from freedom? I wonder if Paine wanted to really draw the line in the sand for the British? Maybe he, like Beck, hoped independence could come from declaration rather than from bloodshed. But Paine started an avalanche that could not be stopped.
So has Beck done the same? Is he another flash in the pan? Is he yet another conservative bemoaning the state of the Union but offering little to actually effect change?Is it all a ploy for ratings? I wonder...Do you think Beck is an idiot, prancing and capering for the pacifying of us rebellious conservatives all the while secretly amusing liberals who fear little his blustery banter? Or have we conservatives seen the lantern light and know that our enemy is on the move? Are we resigned to the thought it is up to us and only us to effect the change that really must occur or The United States of America stands doomed to fall into the dustbin of other has-been powers throughout history?